Our Menu
Hamburger Easy
hamburger, cheddar rosso inglese e salsa a scelta
Hamburger Il Deciso
hamburger, lattuga, pomodoro, cipolla rossa di Tropea e salsa a scelta
Hamburger Salamella
Salamella cotta alla piastra, cipolle saltate e salsa a scelta
Hamburger Vegano
Hamburger vegano di cereali, germogli di soia e melanzane condite con olio, sale e pepe
Classic Chicken
Petto di pollo alla piastra, fontina, cipolla saltata, pomodoro, lattuga e salsa a scelta
Hamburger Il Partenopeo
Salamella, friarielli, provola affumicata fresca e salsa a scelta
hot dogs
Hot Dog L’Inseparabile
Wurstel artigianale del sudtirol, crauti e salsa a scelta
Hot Dog Il Pancettato
Wurstel artigianale del sudtirol, pancetta croccante, cipolla saltata e salsa a scelta
30 g.
Mini Cheesecake
40 g.
Anelli di Cipolle
Anelli di cipolle fritti
Fritto Misto 9 Pezzi
3 tipi di fritture per 3 pezzi cadauno
*no chips e patatine
Bocconcini di Pollo
Bocconcini di petto di pollo impanato e fritto al momento
best deals
Ultimate Burgers
burger di fassona, patatine e bibita
Il triplo burger super hot per un gusto infinito, accompagnato da patate speziate
best staff
Oue Team
What People Say
California is full of all types of foods, restaurants, joints etc. However, your truck is really something. The quality of service and products was excellent!”
Kendra Lewis
I am not a big fan of street food or fast food, but your burger and fries have made me reconsider! This was the best burger I have had in the past couple of months!”
Lisa Morgan
Oh wow! I did not expect this type of service from a truck food company! You guys are awesome, and I enjoyed the party very much. We’re your regular clients now!”
Jessica Parks
The food was great, the service was awesome. I am 100% confident that you guys will succeed, and your trucks will become the most popular out there. Thanks a lot!”